Campfire & Firewood


Firewood, all clean ready to burn ash

clean quality hardwood for sale. We have giant firewood bags for a facecord, 3 bags for a Fullcords, and bulk trailer/truck loads. Appreciate your business! All repeat customers will receive a discount!

Hardwood mix of oak, ash, maple, hickory, black locust. all seasoned and ready to burn!

1 face-cord@ 4’x8’x16” (See pictures)

face cord for $100 ($80 per with $20 firewood bag/IBT Tote, Shrink Wrapped pallet deposit, if bagged is desired; refunded upon bag/IBT Tote/Pallet return).Without packaging, price is $80.

fullcord (~3 facecords) for $300 ($240 per with $60 firewood bag/IBT Tote, Shrink Wrapped pallet deposit, if bagged is desired; refunded upon bag/IBT Tote/Pallet return). Without packaging, price is $240.

bulk trailer loads (approximately 6 face-cord) for $760 ($560 with $200 firewood bag/IBT Tote, Shrink Wrapped pallet deposit, if bagged is desired; refunded upon bag/IBT Tote/Pallet return). Without packaging, price is $560.

Free delivery within 10 miles (delivery charge over 10 miles)

$85.00 Facecord

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